01 agosto 2008


drinking in a bar pretending
to understand
how one knows what to know
and when to know it and what
not to know and how to slide
into position when the time comes

does conscience rule?
who cares?
what is something?
sitting in an airplaine seat wondering
just how to move from one level
to another, how to accept the limits
of the mind as one accepts the space allotted
on the plane, how to be there in
time, how to evolve

why do we need to mean?
what is meaning?

trying to find parking in crowded
neighborhood, there are two fairs
going on at once, it is Sunday
and the shoppers add to the confusion
as you look for a space to park, even
the meters work on Sunday, it is
what "is" in the scheme

what does "is" mean?

dying in a hospital or at home:
cancer? old age? a sudden stroke?
will your understanding grow or diminish?
is there a light in the shadow?
do you travel toward what "is" beyond reason?
how good is your inner landscape?
can you live there as you die there?
does it matter?

Neeli Cherkovski,
Fronteras rotas.

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